D.C. Metro Local Green Business Directory
Energy Conservation
Climate Change and Home Performance
Talking with our Customer, Comfenergy, LLC of Sterling, VA on Climate Change and Home Performance
August 7, 2019
C.D. Guillaudeu, Your Business Our World
Crystal Mullins, Comfenergy Marketing Director
Madison Parse, Comfenergy Marketing Intern
Climate Change Impacts the Comfort and Energy Efficiency of a Home:Our climate is warming at a fast pace and every year brings hotter summers, higher pollen counts, more intense storms, and more extreme temperatures. As temperatures reach new extreme heights, so does your tolerance for living uncomfortably. To live uncomfortably is to live with unnecessary allergens in your home, lose sleep due to the temperature of your bedroom, or spend too much on your fuel and electric bills. Lighten the load of your allergy medication, HVAC systems, and your wallet by learning about why your home functions the way it does and how that impacts your health and the planet.
Any building, whether it’s commercial or residential, is a network of lighting, plumbing, heating, cooling, and airflow systems in combination with how a person lives in a space, how a person moves through the space, as well as a system of airflows. Most buildings are not airtight and air flows into the building, bringing with it some of the dust and pollen from the outside world.
In our homes we pay for desirable air quality conditions and sometimes there are variables that we cannot see that also have control over these conditions. Inside the home, airflow is responsive to blockages and leakages you cannot see. Examples of this may include more insulation in one area than another, small openings around light fixtures that let conditioned air escape out of living spaces, drafts, or noticeable temperature inconsistencies.